Saturday, April 21, 2012

Why is Birth Control A Big Deal Again?

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Who'd have guessed that women's health would be the hot issue of 2012? First the Susan G. Komen Foundation ignited a firestorm by saying it would withdraw funds from Planned Parenthood for breast cancer screenings. After a backlash, Komen backed down. But that only kicked off more fierce battles.

On February 16, three priests, a rabbi, and a doctor walked into a Capitol Hill hearing room. Sounds like a bad joke, but when those five men testified about denying insurance coverage for birth control, women weren't laughing. The controversy continued when Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown University student who had planned to speak in favor of contraceptive coverage but was turned away, became the symbol of the debate when she was subjected to character attacks. Among other nasty things, Rush Limbaugh called her a slut. Suddenly, it was personal, and the simple fact of using contraception, as 98 percent of American women have, was called into question.

How is it possible that we're debating the morality of birth control? Some social conservatives have resurrected the old argument that having sex without wanting to get pregnant is bad for society. As former GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum put it: "

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